THE Tanganyika law society Mbeya Chapter has commended retired Justice Samweli karua for immersely contributing to the development of law in its various forms in the country for the past 31years.

This comment was made by the chairman of the Tanganyika law society , mbeya chapter ,Advocate victor Mkumbe on his farewell speech upon Justice karua’s retirement at a farewell ceremony held at the high court hall in mbeya recently.

Recounting the history on his speech , advocate  mkumbe said hon. Justice karua was a resident  magistrate  in mbeya for  several years , before  his  appointment as a  judge  of the high  court.

However, he said that the  profiles  of the high  office of a judge did not make him a different person, from the one we knew as a resident magistrate.

Advocate mkumbe added in his speech that, judge karua’s character of respect  to people of all walks of life ,not only in the court building ,but also out of the precincts of the court ,did not change.

Mkumbe described retired judge karua as ahero and a good example to emulate ,whom the nation shall never  easily  forget ,because of his  commitments to the job which he has served for the past 31 years.

‘’he was always affable and  friendly ,and was not at all carried away by his hiss office ‘’, the advocate said.

Mkumbe said,’’it is  difficult to choose which subject in law hon.justice karua had excelled ,because there are so many excellent decisions he had made at the bench’’.

Speaking about karua’s life  history ,Mkumbe said the former judge was born at sokomatola location,in the city of mbeya 62 years ago.

This area has over the years had occasion to welcome and host seven past and present leaders of Africa like the late president of Malawi,dr.hastings kamuzu banda , who in 1958 passed through mbeya from Ghana on his way to Malawi,where he had been practicing as a medical doctor.

Mkumbe said in his speech that,banda had been persuaded by mwalimu nyerere to go back home to fight for that country’s independence.

So he was welcomed and was hosted by the late john mwakangale ,then a political heavyweight in mbeya ,at sokomatola.

He said,the former Zambian president ,Kenneth Kaunda had in 1955 also been hosted by the same John Mwakangale ,after being expelled for political reason as a teacher at Munali school in the then Northern Rhodesia ,now Zambia.

Other prominent leaders who were guests of mzee John mwakangale and were hosted at sokomatola was the Late Mzee Nelson Mandela, who fled from South Africa in 1960 and Sam Nujoma of Namibia in 1962respectively.

Mkumbe also named some other leaders as the former president of Mozambique the late Samora Machel, Joseph Kabila and his Late father Laurent kabilafrom congo DRC.

The Tanganyika law society Mbeya chapterchairman,concludedhis powerful speechby recounting this brief history ,to show that sokomatola is unique for producing eminent persons that include hon.justice karua who bade fareware to the bar recently.

The ceremony was also attended by hon.justice chocha,hon.madamjustice ngwala,invited guests and some other government leaders.

  By George Chanda

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