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Kwa kiingereza Bofya hapa (For English CLICK HERE>>>>>>)

MAPYA yameibuka mgogoro unaoendelea katika kanisa la moraviani Tanzania jimbo kusini Magharibi baada ya wajumbe wa baraza la wakristo sharika jimbo hilo kulitaka kamati kuu ya jimbo kuitisha Mkutano mkuu (Sinodi) kabla ya Machi 3 mwaka huu.
Hayo yameibuka baada ya kusimamishwa uongozi Mwenyekiti wa jimbo, Mchungaji Nosigwe Buya wiki chache zilizopita na kumpatia kazi nyingine.
Akisoma maazimio yaliyofikiwa na baraza la wajumbe wa wakristo wa jimbo Mwenyekiti wa mabaraza ya wazee wa shirika chache, Frank Phili mbele ya Makamu Mwenyekiti wa Kanisa la Moravia Jimbo la Kusini Magharibi Mchungaji, Zacharia Sichone   alisema, halmashauri kuu ya kanisa hilo iiteshe mkutano mkuu wa Sinodi ili kuweka vizuri afya ya kanisa hilo.
Alisema kuwa japo kuwa kikatiba ni miezi miwili lakini inatakiwa kuitishwa mapema ili kurejesha amani kanisani na kusababisha mgongano na mgawanyiko uliopo kuondoka.
Phili alisema kuwa mbali na kuitisha mkutano huo pia kwa muda huu kabla ya mkutano shirika zote hawatapeleka sanduku la maombezi (sadaka) la wilaya mpaka tatizo hili litakapomalizika. 
Alisema, mpaka unafikiwa uamuzi wa kufukuzwa mwenyekiti taarifa ya tume ambayo iliundwa kumchunguza haijawafikia waumini na tume imetekeleza maamuzi.
Aliongeza, kama Mwenyekiti alikuwa na makosa ni bora angefukuzwa kabisa kuliko kumpa kazi nyingine kama alishidwa kuongoza watu wazima atawezaje kuongoza watoto ni kitu ambacho kimewapa wasiwasi.
Alisema kuwa mwenyekiti huyo hana makosa ambayo yangesababisha kufukuzwa nafasi aliyokuwa nayo na kumpangia kazi nyingine na wenye makosa ni makamu mwenyekiti na Katibu mkuu wa halmashauri ya kanisa hilo.
Akijibu tuhuma za wajumbe hao wa baraza la wakristo kaimu mwenyekiti, Sichone alisema kuwa wawe watulivu na ujumbe wao watakaa na kuutekeleza.
Wawe na amani kwa muda huu mfupi wakati wanaendelea kulifanyia kazi suala hilo na kuto wasikiliza kwa wakati na kutotoa taarifa ya kamati ya uchunguzi hawakuwadharau. 
Hivi karibuni katika kanisa hilo kumetokea mgawanyiko mkubwa kufuatia kufukuzwa cheo cha uwenyekiti wa kanisa hilo Mchungaji, Buya na kumpangia kazi nyingine.
Kufuatia sakata hilo pia wajumbe hao waliutaka uongozi wa kanisa hilo kuto muondoa Mwenyekiti katika nyumba aliyokuwa akiishi mpaka kutakapo tatuliwa tatizo hilo.
 Kwa upande wao wajumbe katika baraza hilo la wakristo wa shirika mbalimbali walisema kuwa wao kama waumini wanaumia kuona kuna mgawanyiko katika kanisa lao na kuwa wao wakristo ndio wenye kanisa bila wakristo wachungaji hawana tija.

(NEW emerged ongoing conflict in the church Moravian province southwest Tanzania after council members of Christian congregations require any region of the state central committee to convene a general meeting (Synod) before March 3 this year .
This emerged following the suspension of the state leadership chairman, Pastor Nosigwe Buya few weeks ago and gave him another job.
Reading resolutions reached by the council of members of the Christian state chairman of the council of elders of the organization a few , Frank Phili before the Vice Chairman of the Church of Moravia State of South West Shepherd, Zacharia Sichone said, the central committee of the church iiteshe general assembly of the Synod to keep good health of the church.
He said that even though there is a constitutional two months but should be convened early in order to restore peace in church and cause conflict and division that exists leave.
Phili said to be away from the meeting also during this time before all organization meeting will not send a box of petitions (offering ) of districts litakapomalizika to this problem .
That said, until you reached the decision of expulsion chairman reported the observation of a commission that was created to reach believers and the commission has implemented the decision.
He added, as chairman he was wrong is the best he dismissed entirely than give another job if he failed to guide how will the adults guide children is something that provided opportunities for concern.
He said that the chairman has no errors that would lead to expulsion opportunity kumpangia had with other work and the error is vice chairman and general secretary of the church council .
Responding to allegations of such members of the Council of Christians acting chairman , said that Sichone be calm and they shall dwell message and act on it.
Be at peace in such a short time while they continue to have to work on the issue and inactivity to pay and withhold information during the committee's investigation did not look down.
Recently in the church is now a reality greater division title following the expulsion of the Chairmanship of the church pastor, Buya and Give  other functions.
Following the saga that they were also members of the church leadership wanted inactivity removed the Chairman in the house she was living until and if they resolved the problem.
 For their part in the council members of different organizational Christians said that they suffer as believers see no division in their church and that they are Christians with no Christian church pastors do not have productivity.)